You've arrived at exactly the right time to explore lots of new blogs, all of which, ARE GIVING AWAY A VERY SPECIAL BLOGMANIA GIVEAWAY (For Two Days Only – September 15th and 16th) .
We've done all the work for you. No hunting or surfing. At the end of this blog post is a list of all the participating blogs. You may want to print that list out so you can mark each one off as you visit it.
I know you'll want to visit as many blogs today as you can. So, if you see something that interests you on any of our participating blogs, why not bookmark that site. Later, when you have more time, you can discover all its fabulous treasures.
CLICK! CLICK! CLICK! MY GIVEAWAY and RULES: I'm calling my giveaway Love with a Bite Paranormal Romance Prize Pack. 2 yummy candles from Colonial Candle, 3 great books (Taming of the Wolf, an anthology featuring Autumn Shelley, When Blood Calls by J.K. Beck and And Falling, Fly by Skylar White), a plush stuffed wolf and a pair of handmade moonstone earrings. Great prize, right? And easy to qualify. All you have to do is become a follower here on my blog and my Facebook fan page. Once done, just leave me a comment telling me your Facebook name or if you’d rather, email it privately to me at I'll be announcing the winner of the prize on Monday's blog entry, so make sure you come back!
We've done all the work for you. No hunting or surfing. At the end of this blog post is a list of all the participating blogs. You may want to print that list out so you can mark each one off as you visit it.
I know you'll want to visit as many blogs today as you can. So, if you see something that interests you on any of our participating blogs, why not bookmark that site. Later, when you have more time, you can discover all its fabulous treasures.
CLICK! CLICK! CLICK! MY GIVEAWAY and RULES: I'm calling my giveaway Love with a Bite Paranormal Romance Prize Pack. 2 yummy candles from Colonial Candle, 3 great books (Taming of the Wolf, an anthology featuring Autumn Shelley, When Blood Calls by J.K. Beck and And Falling, Fly by Skylar White), a plush stuffed wolf and a pair of handmade moonstone earrings. Great prize, right? And easy to qualify. All you have to do is become a follower here on my blog and my Facebook fan page. Once done, just leave me a comment telling me your Facebook name or if you’d rather, email it privately to me at I'll be announcing the winner of the prize on Monday's blog entry, so make sure you come back!
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My close-up of the earrings didn't turn out. This is the pic from the seller's website. Copper crystals at the bottom are the only difference. They're beautiful. |
Dee @ Good Choice Reading
Facebook: Damaris Cardinali
Thanks for the great giveaway!! :0)
Facebook: Robyn Best Huffman
following your blog via GFC :)
angelwcamowings at
awesome giveaway!
Facebook: Shahira Molai
GFC Follower
Would really love to win this contest. ! :)
Facebook: Melissa Snow
following via GFC
Thanks for the awesome giveaway:)
Melissa S.
FB: Shay Williams
following via GFC
Thanks for such a great giveaway
following on GFC shows as JMC
Facebook fan Justine McDilda
j.mcdilda at gmail dot com
Follow on GFC and Facebook as Cathy Wallace
cjwallace43 at gmail dot com
Thanks lovely giveaway!
I follow GFC
I am facebook fan (Sticemichelle)
Just here to say hello Riley. Hope you have a great Blogmania!
rexreadingrobot at gmail dot com
Thanks for the giveaway!
facebook name: Danielle Schmidt
I'm a GFC follower.
Face book Eileen Burmester
Like page
follow via GFC
eileen at
Google Friend Connect Follower! Facebook Fan! (Sheila H.)
Thanks for the great giveaway!
fineinsanity {at} live {dot} com
I am following you blog as traci66 and fb as Traci Kelley
ozzykelley1 at yahoo dot com
Thanks for the great giveaway!
I'm an old blog follower
Follow you on FAcebook: Stella Ex Libris
Thank you!
stella.exlibris (at) gmail (dot) com
Very nice!
I'm a new GFC follower and Facebook fan!
FB Jenna MArie Wood
six_one_nine_girlie (at) yahoo (dot) com
FB: Amy Sondova
GFC Follower!!!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Amy S.
artsyrockerchick at aim dot com
Follow and facebook fan (Amanda Starr) Thanks for the chance!
Follow and face book fan - Darla Greer
Thanks for the awesome chance to win!
Thanks for the giveaway. I follow your blog.
Follow on facebooks Angela Hedrick-Messer
dukesangel002 AT yahoo DOT com
Thank-you, for the give-a-way!
My daughter would go nuts over that stuffed wolf. Hope I win.
I followed your blog GFC and liked you on Facebook user name RoxanneRhoads on both
RoxanneRhoads @ aol. com
Thanks for the fantastic Giveaway!
Facebook: Tara Woods
Old GFC Follower: Tara W
mizztuts AT bellsouth DOT net
i follow your blog (redfuzzycow) and like you on facebook (jen reda)
Wow thanks for the awesome giveaway.
I am a new follower of your blog via GFC & a new FB fan/Pam Keener.
Love & Hugs,
Thank you!!
I'm a follower and like you on fb as Kim Hlavka
Happy Blog Mania. New follower of blog and new facebook fan.
bkwalkerbooks at comcast dot net
I LIKE/Friend/Fan on facebook - (Tiffany Christie) tiffypixie - and am GFC follower.....Tiffypoot @ (
google follower & fb fan(michelle barrett)
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
Thank you
I follow
kaiminani at gmail dot com
on facebook Patty Leonard Woodland
Happy Blogmania and thank-you!
I am a follower GFC (tamaraben)
I am a fan on Facebook(Tamara Bennington)
I am a GFC follower
swordsforfighting at yahoo dot com
follow by gfc amydelong
fb fan amydelong
I'm a GFC follower. FB fan name is Autumn Crochet
Cool prizes!
autumn.crochet (at) gmail. com
Following via GFC and on FB (Wendy Thompson).
Thank you!
Following gfc-missdeb1 and facebook-debbie coyle
Thanks for the chance.
closed this before realizing you might have a captcha on.
fb stacy lynn brunscheen hancock
hancoci_s at msn dot com
follow via google
Fb fan (jd drenchek-scavo)
mellanhead74 at
I am following via Google Friends Connect.
I am a fan via Facebook as Jill Myrick.
I'm a gfc follower
books (dot) things (at) yahoo (dot) com
Following via gfc and following on fb Beth Good
I am follower of your blog and FB(sue brandes). Wonderful giveaway.
Sue B
WOW! That's a fabulous prize and I'm all set - Denise Golinowski on fb and following your blog. Blogmania - Awesome concept!
Love these prizes! I'm a new gfc follower and fb fan (Bethany Cardone)
I follow on GFC
I "like" on facebook Miranda Lewis Ward
Wow, what a fantastic giveaway. Thanks for the chance.
I am an OLD GFC follower and a NEW Facebook fan: Connie Cawthern Black
epblack at zoominternet dot net
Amazing prize...thanks for th chance to win....My FB name is BJ Gaskill.....
I am a follower on GFC.
robin [at] intensewhisper [dot] com
I like you on facebook, Ada Hilton
I follow on GFC
Follow you via youthfultips and a Facebook fan under judyjoyce Thanks!
Blog follower. I like you on Facebook, Billie R. kekagel(at)
gfc and fb - Elizabeth Hoskins
following with GFC and FB (Lona Sausman WIbbels)
Lona728@ yahoo dot com
Gfc follower and facebook( Ashley Hewell)
hewella1 at gmail dot com
Thanks for the amazing giveaway!
GFC follower
Facebook follower/Jeanette Juan
following in GFC and FB (libby bloom hunt). thanks for hte chance!
libby dot bloom dot hunt at gmail dot com
Hi, Riley,
I'm following you, and like you on FB (My page is!/profile.php?id=100000153041486)
My email is
I am a GFC follower (smccar145) and follow you on FB (Stephanie McCarthy)
Thanks for the great giveaway
Thank you for the opportunity to win! :) I'm a GFC Follower (Kristina Barnes) and Facebook Like/Fan/Friend Kristina Barnes
Following on GFC and Fan of your FB (mariesambravo)
That wolf is adorable!
My follower name: oreo_93
Facebook name: Rachelle Hayes
I already follow you on GFC and facebook (cheryl smith)
thanks for the chance
msboatgal at
GFC facebook Samantha morrison
great giveaway
FB fan-Leslie Malone
GFC follower
livelovelaughwithleslieblog at gmail dot com
Facebook: Marlene Breakfield
GFC follower.
GFC follower.
Friend on Facebook. Andrea Infinger
I am a GFC follower (DiSailsToo) and Facebook fan (Diane Buckelew)
DiSailsToo (at) comcast (dot) net
GFC follower1
Facebook name: Jessica Spettoli
Thanks for the giveaway!
spettolij AT gmail DOT com
I am a follower and facebook fan
Sarah Mansfield Coulsey
sarahcoulsey03 at gmail dot com
Follow via GFC and am a fb fan Stephanie Cobb
sunni08 at gmail dot com
I'm a GFC follower.
I can't follow you on Facebook because I don't use Facebook.
Oh love the wolf!!
I follow GFC
And Facebook Wendy Hoge Hines
wendyhines (at) hotmail (dot) com
Happy Blogmania!!
Great prize pack!
follow via GFC and on FB
FB ID april yedinak
Oh my god! The Husky plushie is soo cute! ♥
Anyhow, I'm following and liked the page on Facebook as Karen Yu.
I follow your blog on GFC and like you on Facebook as Linda Henderson.
seriousreader at live dot com
FB( nikki burke) and GFC Great giveaway
(nickieisis3 (at) gmail (dot) com nickie)
I follow on GFC @ CCL (for Crazy Cat Lady)!
I like you on facebook @Crazycatlady Kelly!
Crazy Cat Lady
I follow you on GFC
I like you on Facebook (Mary Applebaum)
silverhealer21 at msn dot com
I'm a follower
Facebook, too
Thanks so much for the chance to win. :)
Love the doggie!
Kellie Stone
following GFC (KellieS) Facebook (Kellie Blake-Stone)
New follower on GFC AND FB.
BookNoise at gmail dot com
FC follower
Jessica Gram
GFC follower and Like on facebook Amy Fedorchak
amyfedorchak1 AT gmail DOT com
this is a super packagage - the books sound great and the earrings are gorgeous (wolf is cute too :))
gfc follower pams00
fb fan pamela sinclair
Pam S
pams00 @
Following via GFC and on Facebook
Felicia B
Great prizes!
Following via GFC (expogenic) and Facebook (Elise Koszarek)
Hi, I am a new gfc follower. I can't do the facebook thing because I am not on facebook. I know, I know, you're thinking for real? yes, sorry. Artesia at comcast dot net
What a great prize pack!!
I'm a GFC follower (afshan522)
And a facebook fan Afshan Nawaz
Thanks for the giveaway!
GFC Follower and Facebook fan (Allison B.)
Love it! I don't have facebook, but I'm following you on google.
Following you on Twitter @ncjeepster
Following on GFC! (saba)
Fan on facebook! (Saba Molai)
I follow your blog and am now a facebook fan (mrstinareynolds)
I follow your blog via Google Friend Connect and Like you on facebook
name: Eliza Chadley Labayen- Klinger
I follow your blog (Throuthehaze)
I follow on Facebook-Rae Pavey
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
Following your blog via GFC. (shay)
Like you on Facebook.
FB name: sherrie seruntine cruson
Thanks for the awesome giveaways :)
Oh I so love this prize pack!
I am a new GFC follower
Facebook follower- Melissa Robinson-Arezzi
giveawaymommy at
I am a follower on Google Friend Connect and I like you on Facebook as Amanda Tomlinson
Follower on gfc
fan on facebook-shannon flora
shannpf1977 at yahoo dot com
I follow you and fb like you celeste swan
malleycc (at) hotmail dot (c0M
follower and facebook fan - my initials are LBC
petrellinyc-blog at yahoo dot com
I follow on google friend and on FB!
FB name is Trisha Burgess
Google friend haydensmommy05
Follower & FB fan Sherry Conrad
discriminating_diva at yahoo dot com
Thank you for the giveaway! I'm following on GFC as Mnemosyne and on facebook as Mnemosyne Williams.
mnemosynescall at gmail dot com
"I follow this blog publicly via google friend connect
FB like Cynthia Ann Raf(fe_rty)
Great giveaway thanks! barb g. directorylanesuperstore(AT)
I follow on GFC and FB under my first and last name;) My first name is Karen and my last name is in my email after the K.
kpuleski at gmail dot com
facebook- jennifer mathis
already a follower
FB name Samantha Vicars
Awesome giveaway:)
Follower with GFC and Teri Hardy likes you on facebook
strawberrykidssales at gmail dot com
I follow on google friend connect
I am a facebook fan (Anne Jolly)
GFC: BookSake
FB: BookSake
Following through GFC and I like you on Facebook as Velvet Hubler
gfc follower: dbeautyjunkie
FF aimee aviles
following you via facebook (amy bahn) and also via gfc. (alm83182)
misavings @ ymail. com
Following on FB- Gretchen Johnson
and GFC!
starz57182 at yahoo dot com
following on facebook (ariel tempest) and GFC follower
Facebook fan and GFC follower of your blog!
Melissa Phinney
I'd very much like you to email me if I won, I would hate to miss your post and lose the prize!
mphin278 at yahoo dot com
I follow you on google friend connect
I'm your friend/fan on facebook
Rebecca Niehaus
imsosweepy [at] gmail [dot] com
If I am chosen as the winner will you pretty please with sugar on top email me to let me know? Thank you!
Great contest thank you very much.
Im a follower GFC and FB.
follow with GFC and like you on facebook as Holly C.
hbbs55 at gmail dot com
i follow with gfc and on facebook (emmi l)
mommyfreetime at gmail dot com
Following with GFC and on Facebook ( or Jennifer Griffin
blog follower and I follow you on fb Daphne White
Awesome giveaway. I am a GFC follower and Facebook fan.
facebook gina delaune
gfc ginnn7
I'm a follower here as Joder and on Facebook as Jody Faltys.
joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com
i follow via gfc - osu92
liked you on fb - julie.reuter1
julie_reuter92 at yahoo dot com
Thanks for the giveaway! I'm an old GFC follower and a fan on FB (Michelle Stockard Miller).
I follow via GFC
couponinggirl at gmail dot com
my fb name is: heather SAving
Wow great stuff
I follow Via GFC
I Like you on Facebook
Stacey smith
GFC follower Michele P.
FAcebook Michele Pineda
micaela6955 at msn dot com
gfc follower Jmajor4870
facebook joanne major
jmajor4870at aol dot com
Follower on GFC.
Fan on Facebook: John_Sutton
Thanks for the great giveaway.
Thank you for hosting this Love with a Bite paranormal romance giveaway! :)
I am a GFC follower (Violet) & facebook follower (EagerReader Violet). TheEagerReaders[at]gmail[dot]com
I love my romance on the paranormal side
gfc follower & facebook fan
Liz Cranage
I'm a follower via google friend connect. Thanks so much!
jackievillano at gmail dot com
GFC follower. I dont have facebook, sorry, otherwise I would have!
Hope I can still enter.
dakotasky55 at gmail dot com
Hi, I follow you via GFC and Facebook (FB name: Maddie Brubaker). Thanks for the great giveaway!
maddiemb (at) comcast (dot) net
chitownchicas is a follower on GFC and Sophie S on FB. Thanks!
chitownchicas at gmail dot com
Jennifer Marshall is the follow name on GFC and Facebook.
I follow via gvc.
I am a fb fan.
Leanna Morris
I follow you on GFC as wendy wallach and on FB as wendy wallach
madamerkf at aol dot com
become a follower here on my blog and my Facebook fan page.
Love the wolf!
Facebook - Karen Tapahe
ktapahe at gmail dot com
i liked you on facebook (kisah jackson)
and i follow your blog via gfc
k_sunshine1977 at yahoo dot com
Like you on Facebook under Mandy Tyndall Dowless and follow you under GFC as mandylynn8276 Awesome prizes!!
Like you on fb (Shanee McFarland)
Follow you on gfc. (The McFarlands)
Great giveaway!
I follow you with GFC (Homemadebaby)
I am a Facebook Fan (Marysa Nicholson)
marysa at marysa dot com
I'm a follower via Facebook - Kimberly Miller; and GFC - kdmiller90!
kdmiller90 at live dot com
Im a blog follower and Facebook friend (Priceless Writers). Email: yona(at)
I follow via GFC (
I am a fan on facebook(sarah fitch)
Im a follower of both fb and gfc.
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